
Thank you for this day
I am happy
I’m perfectly happy
I enjoy every second
I’m healthy
I am absolutely healthy
I have a health shield
My family and friends are healthy.
Healthy people are primarily happy people.
I am rich
I am the richest man in the world.
I am morally, spiritually and physically rich.
I am a free man
I am the master of my time
I manage my time
I am loved
People love, appreciate and respect me
I attract only happy, positive
kind, rich and honest people
I am overflowing with energy
I share my energy with others
and that’s why people enjoy my presence.
I am witty
I am intelligent
I have a charismatic personality
I like myself
I love myself
I am invulnerable
I’m completely invulnerable.
I have an invulnerability shield
My family and friends are invulnerable.
♪ I’m a billionaire ♪
I’m a multi-billionaire.
I have all the connections, all the possibilities
♪ and all the resources in the world ♪
I am powerful.
I am strong in absolutely everything.
I am strong mentally, physically and spiritually.
Any task, any opportunity is within my reach.
Nothing is impossible for me.
That’s my life
That’s my life, to be a multibillionaire
To have all the connections, all the possibilities
and all the resources in the world
and to be strong at everything.
This is my life
To live on the line of love, happiness, good luck, success
Health, wealth, protection, abundance and prosperity
This is my life
Living on the line of pleasure
Enjoying each day
and sharing that enjoyment with those closest to me.
This is my life, living on the line of growth and development
With each passing day I am better than myself
Every day I’m better than I was yesterday.
With each new day I grow and go only forward
This is my year, this is my day, this is my hour, this is my life
Today’s my best day
Every day is my best day
Something swell will happen to me today, something nice
Today I’m gonna get lucky
Today I’m gonna have luck and success
That’s my life
Every day I’ll have luck and success
Every day I feel better and better
Every day I feel better and better
Every day I become richer, happier, cleverer, wiser
Better mannered, healthier, stronger, braver, more successful.
With each new day I experience more and more love
and show more and more love to those around me.
With each new day I do more and more good for the world.
I change the world.
This is my life, this is my life, this is my life
I love you life, I love you life, I love you life
Thank you life, thank you life, thank you life
Thank you God, thank you Universe, thank you Life
Thank you World for taking care of me
Protecting me and my family
Thank you for this day

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