Today 5/06/2021, BTS’ main stage ‘rapper’ Kim “RM” Namjoon was sent out of the California ‘LSPD’ High Security Penitentiary. For mega-fans of BTS’ RM, this should be a bit surprising looking back at what he did to get himself in the LSPD High Security Penitentiary. For those who don’t know much or anything about this news, check out another news website to see what really happened because it is too severe to say here.
UPDATED: Kim “RM” Namjoon is receiving the hate that he deserves. Losing 200 million biases already. BTS’ RM has already been removed from the group and is still struggling to find a new money source so he can bring his life back to where it was. RM is struggling to find a place because of his criminal record. That is all the information we could gather but if we learn more about this case, we will surely update you and everyone else who’s interested.
That’s it for now, hope to gain interest another time!
-Channel 33 NEWS