Child Falls into Jaguar Exhibit at Philadelphia Zoo

On Sunday, 6-17-07, a young boy slipped out of his father’s arms and fell into the Jaguar exhibit here at the Philadelphia Zoo. The child, who’s name is being kept private, was scratched by the Jaguar in the habitat. The Jaguar was quickly tranquilized after security was notified. However the thirteen year old cat, Mambo, was not able to survive the shot and died a few hours later. The child was rescued from the cage soon after the dart was shot and was taken home safely. He suffered scratches on the lower back along with slight blood loss. The mother of the child described the moment as “Total panic”, when being asked about the fall. Another guest at the Zoo called it “Very wild.”The National Zoo Board of Health Department is said to be releasing a statement in the near future. More news involving the child’s health will also be coming out soon.

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