On the 1st of March 2010 Ian moore in 3 cecils Court was supposedly keeping Care of his disabled brother Mathew cairnes but what the family didn’t know was that it was all the opposite Ian was keeping Mathew hostage in the flat making Mathew decorate, clean up, and even taking care of Mr Moore and Mr Moore Only kept Mathew in a small like crate that could fit only a tiny dog but one day the power for 3 cecils Court went out due to Mr moores benefits not paying for the electric bill he had Mathew cairnes put on a electric dog collar so Ian could force Mathew into doing what he says but as Mathew was walking to the closest post office he encountered a group of black guys and he asked for their help and they planned a way to stop Ian so the next day as Ian had Mathew decorate the flat Mathew let in the group of black guys who pretended to try and kill Mathew but as Ian didn’t want to lose his slave he said he’d rather be dead than have his slave dead so the black guy with a scar on his eye shot Mr Moore in the fore head and freed Mathew from Mr moores clutches when the police were told all this they put a good samaritans award on and praised by Mathew’s family angie cairnes and katie moore, angie replied saying “I’m such ashamed if myself I wasn’t aware of this Ian will not have his own funeral so he can rot in his flat” that’s the end of the story written by swaintheantimater aka blotchy