Kansas to Inaugurate New State Flag

Kansas has one of the least impressive state flags according to a recent poll. 95% of Kansas patrons said the Kansas flag is outdated and boring. One patron from Great Bend stated “I have lived in Kansas my whole life and NEVER seen purple mountains.”

Kansas native John Steuart Curry designed the updated flag. Here’s what he said, “As a child I loved learning about all the symbolism of the Kansas state seal, but I have always been disappointed by how difficult it is to recognize the state seal on our state flag. This is because seals are meant to be seen up close not flapping high above in the breeze. Since those days in the classroom I have had a new flag design rolling around in my head.The previous Kansas flag was designed by Hazel Avery in 1925. He placed the seal onto a deep blue background. To me this blue has represented Kansans’ steadfastness in the face of opposition like when we stood up as a “Free State” to promote abolitionism or granted Kansan women the right to vote long before most other states. This is why I have kept this proud blue for the backdrop for a thirty-four pointed sunflower. Why such an odd number? It is to represent Kansas as the 34th state to join the union and mirrors the thirty-four stars on the state seal. Our state’s name come from the Kansa nation meaning “the people of the south wind.” The only full pedal on the sunflower is at the bottom like a compass pointing to the cardinal direction south. I used the simple stylized design of a sunflower not only because we are the “Sunflower State” but because I love that our state flower feed so many people across America. This endlessly useful flower represents the importance of Kansas agriculture to the world. What is going on with the top left corner? It is not there! The top right corner is cut off so that our flag will resemble the shape of Kansas. This will make the Kansas flag stand out among all the other state flags because of the unique shape.This New Kansas Flag is meant to stand out in the “sky that is not cloudy all day” inspiring pride in all Kansans. There is no longer a need to have the word “Kansas” across the bottom of our flag because this striking yellow sunflower blazoned across the deep blue background will be easily seen for miles around.”

The new flag will be officially inaugurated one year from today on March 32, 2023.

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