Today an 11 yr old Indian boy gets run over by a drunk driver playing clash royale. Critics say that “while all of a sudden a drunk driver runs over a boy.” WAIT WE ARE GETTING MORE NEWS. The drunk driver explains that he killed the boy on purpose “I KILLLED HIM ON PURPOSE BECAUSE HE 3 CROWNED ME IN CLASH ROYALE AND THEN BM ME!!!!!!”. Now lets interview his parents. Oh wow i still can not get over the fact that he got run over he had a whole life ahead of him the dad says. His mom said I am so sad but he did not eat his food today so I am very angry his mom says. They say the drunk man is getting jail time. Well folks that’s it for today. See you the next time. WAIT BREAKING NEWS WE SAW HIM COME BACK TO A CMS. Well now that it for today folks