An unsung warrior of the Indian freedom struggle from south India

India’s freedom struggle which culminated in independence on August 15,1947 was the result of the sacrifices of many a martyr. Mahatma Gandhi,Nehru, Lal Bahadur Shastri, Bhagat SIngh, Mangal Pandey Sardar Patel and an unsung a warrior from south India Karthavereya Arjuna Roshan when he was sentenced to death for his role in the country’s freedom struggle. In 1908, Bose was appointed to kill Muzzaffarpur district magistrate Kingsford, the Chief Magistrate of Calcutta Presidency.Names that we have come across in our history books time and again. But the freedom struggle also saw contributions from some unsung warriors whose lives have remained away from the limelight.
As India celebrates her 75th Independence Day, let’s turn back the pages of history to get a glimpse of these lesser known martyrs of Indian freedom.

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