Ex-Governor of Montana Booker Baxter-Carter is being sued by major company H&Z they claim he kept 20 thousand dollars from them. On April 1st 2022, Booker Baxter-Carter filed that all corporate taxes should be filed by April 15th. On Monday April 11th 2022 major clothing corporation H&Z filed all corporate taxes they received through the 2021-22 year. The Montana Government announced that all major corporations would receive a maximum of 30 thousand dollars back from the filing of the taxes. In early January H&Z tweeted they aren’t going to support governor [Booker] Baxter-Carter’s new bill adding a cap on spending for companies for a month. Governor Booker Baxter-Carter shot back in a press conference saying “I want to see some respect from companies around Montana as I work hard to keep spending at a low. I am not afraid to shoot back at them with lawsuits.” H&Z filed for a lawsuit against Ex-governor Booker Baxter-Carter with this one reason “We’ve lost 20 thousand dollars from Governor [Booker] Baxter-Carter we want that back.” We will see them in court tonight at 8:30 PM.