Government Spending is Up 40% and Will Continue Growing

President Cartes was elected cause he supported keeping government spending down to a minimum, yet he has failed to do so. In the last 24 hours government spending has gone up by 20% percent (starting at 20%) making the new number 40%. Tyler Ingram has been working to keep spending down in his state Connecticut and was followed by governor Rob DeSantis and several others; one as interesting as the state of Illinois who has chosen to limit spending in major cooperations and then retax them on things they sell. President John Cartes has chosen to raise taxes by 12% which is causing gas prices to rise by a hefty amount Tyler Ingram has suspended the gas tax and many other states plan to follow. Researchers have discovered that government spending will continue to rise every 2 months and taxes will continue to rise every 6 months. This is a big issue for many governors and citizens John Cartes is planning on running for reelection and his popularity has gone down by 15%.

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