Though the Chinese government has seized control of Taiwan and Hong, the country’s president, Xi Jinping has recently made a deal with Russian president, Vladimir Putin, so that China had a stake in the ongoing invasion of Ukraine. Noticing the ongoing progress in Eastern Europe, Jim Jong Un and has made a deal with the Chinese president allowing Beijing to have access to Korean militia in return for it imposing military action on South Korea. “The two nations have always had a mutual understanding in terms of peace” says Secretary General of the UN António Guterres, “but Kim Jong Un has made his desires clear that he wants to give the South Korea the same treatment as Putin gave Ukraine in order to unify Korea”. Thousands of people have are protesting in nearby Asian countries and throughout Europe to take action on what appears to be another worldwide war. Despite negotiations from the UN, China has launched a military invasion at 9:00 am EST in which it has bombed most of the City Of Seoul.
It has been reported that 96% of the city has been destroyed and the country has been turned into a radiated wasteland. Besides this, 40000 have been killed and 1789 people have been injured. “It’s horrible…why would China help Kim attack us? This is inhuman!” says a 89 year old Korean woman Chung Ae while crying from her wounds. When news of this was sent to the White House, US President Joe Biden was shocked and said “This is abhorrent. Kim Jong Un….has destroyed South Korea. As a world leader, even I am sickened by this genocide. We will bring Kim-Jong Un and Putin to justice. We will!”. When asked about military action against the now newly reformed Communist Union of Asia And Easter Europe, Joe says that it won’t be long before the US army and NATO troops are brought in.
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