On April 29th, 2022 UTC:13:13, YouTube went offline and people have got kicked a second after it went offline. The next day, it was still offline, and the next day, still offline. People were shocked when this happened and one person thinks that the one responsible behind this offline crisis: Project Zorgo. ‘Project Zorgo’ is a team of hackers and want to destroy and take over YouTube and have there own YouTube channel and the statement says: ‘We are the YouTube Hacker group Project Zorgo. We believe YouTube has become too powerful and is a threat to traditional media. Phase one of our plan is to hack the YouTube trending page and promote unpopular videos from television networks. Phase two is to hack popular YouTuber channels and prevent them gaining more subscribers’. On 6th March, 2022 UTC: 13:14, YouTube is back online and ‘Project Zorgo’ released a video a day before YouTube went back online and Project Zorgo done this for their new code after the October 16th 2018 YouTube Offline Incident. This is not real, it is half confirmed and half rumoured, we don’t know what caused it but for now, that person thinks it was: ‘Project Zorgo’.