Sheriff Steps Down

Overton County Sheriff John Garrett made the announcement this morning that he was resigning his post effective immediately. The news comes as a surprise to many in the community as Garrett had been in the middle of his campaign to be elected for a third term. A source who wishes to remain anonymous stated that Garrett was being viciously attacked on social media with the truth. Channel 33 received the following statement from Garrett this morning: “Citizens of Overton County, I am tendering my resignation effective immediately. I know that some of you feel that I’m doing this because cowards with keyboards told the truth about me, but thats just not the case. I have decided to attend The Royal Ballet School in England. This has been a dream of mine since I was little, but after tap dancing around issues like drugs in the jail and inmate deaths it became clear that I would be a much better dancer than sheriff. I thank you for your support.” Channel 33 has learned that the inmates will continue to oversee the jail as usual.

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