What Happened At This Baseball Game Will Shock You…

On the beautiful night of April 14, 2022 at the amazing Somerset Patriots stadium, everyone thought that they would have a wonderful time watching players that don’t know how to play baseball. They thought this, not knowing that an absolute menace to society and hall of fame school threat had tickets on this very night. This individual, Tyler Scofield of Branchburg, New Jersey, took it upon himself the scream racial slurs at the top of his lungs as well as yell obscenities at the players. He was not done there, as he began to walk closer to the field. Before anyone could say anything, he ran onto the field wearing nothing but a Chick-fil-A branded t-shirt he had stolen from a newborn baby moments earlier. The team’s mascot, Sparkee, had not choice but to tackle him on the spot before authorities where called.

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