Why you should brake up with ruby

1. She is toxic 2. She is overprotective 3. She gets mad over the dumbest things 4. She mad you cry really mad 5. She makes you uncomfortable 6. She is talking to her ex 7. She holds you weird 8. She called your cousin selfish after cherish did everything for her 9. She is hanging out with someone you don’t like 10. You can’t hangout with denelle for what reason 11. She doesn’t like when you have your location off 12. She didt even come up to you when you were crying bc Cherish was there 13. She left you for Adrianna when she was hanging out with you 14. You deserve better 15. She try’s to make it better by posting you 16. She is only there for you when cherish is not there 17. She makes you mad a lot 18. Your scared to break up with her bc you don’t want to hurt her 19. Her friends don’t like you 20. She lets her ex draw on her

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