Alcoholic Teenager “ Gail” is Drunk at the Golden State Warriors Funeral

Gail Ballighcker the worlds biggest drunkard and owners of the worlds weirdest mutts (Small Mermaid and Frog Puppet) is drunk once again. She is just so drunk and doesn’t even play basketball. She is also a criminal. If being unhygienic is a crime then she’s guilty as charged. Today she was drunk with those twins and Sharlit. She started drinking as soon as the day started; it was her breakfast. Her old coworker Chail said , “Gail is long gone. She’s not the sweet little fat person she used to be” It’s truly sad to see what has happened to Mrs. Hymens daughter. Gail’s little brothers used to find her attractive and sexy but now they say, “ she is sooooo lazy and a slob” A bystander of Gail’s drunk was had this to say today “ Woooweee that girl stinks. She is taking away from the murican culture and the basketball culture – Fudgie McKay” Please keep an eyes on your fat kids so they don’t end up like this

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