Inspiring rapper on the run after spring of robbery’s

Reno police department tonight are looking for a 18 year old Vincent casillas who is on the run after the June 11 robbery of 16 year old deigo wigfeild at a night club in sparks it’s said the altercation happened around 2 am after wigfeild apparently got mad after casillas apparently was flirting with wigfeilds girlfriend it’s said the altercation became hands on after casillas poured his drink on wigfeild witch lead to altercation in witch wigfeild was shot and was robbed and witnesses say that they all so saw the defendant having oral sex with the the corpse and then fleeing casillas is also be investigated for drug disruption charges after 14 kilograms of meth where found in his car the is a 15,000 $ dollar reward leading up to his arrest if you have any information leading to his capture you are asked to call secret witnesses at 1800-.688-6784

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