Hayley Taylor of no known address, has been seen travelling on NX bus services waiting for passengers to get off during hot days so that she can smell the seat afterwards. A spokeswoman representing NX earlier today made a speech about public behaviour on transport “pedestrians should not be behaving in this manner, all acts relatable to the current topic wether they be big or small should not be a part of our ecosystem. This is a crime against humanity and should be considered as a high end crime due to its repugnant nature”. The public attending this speech were all cheering with glee as the spokeswoman produced pictures of the offender, pictured below. Policing Teams around the West Midlands are all working together to bring this individual to justice, this is now being treated as a serial offence that has occurred multiple occasions and is clearly targeted with a considerable amount of intelligence and care. Taylor, 18, is currently off the grid but should be in custody soon enough but until then Chief DC Biggins has urged the public to stay clear of this individual as we do not yet know the motivations behind her ‘attacks’ stay safe everybody. Annabal Bagdhi, senior reporter Channel 33 news