Marvel’s Bucky Barnes is hinted to be in a relationship — and revealed to be Jewish by the writers of the popular movie franchise.

In a recent press conference with the writers of the upcoming novel ‘The Winter Soldier: Cold Front’, more information on the popular Marvel spy character has been uncovered to the public.

When asked about the possibility of a new love interest for the character, writer of the novel Mackenzi Lee gave some insight to reporters. “There could be a love interest. Maybe not in this book, but in the future. There could always be a new love interest. It could also be a character we’ve already met, but for that, we can’t confirm.”

This lead fans of the series, many of whom who ‘ship’ Bucky Barnes with Captain America (deeming them ‘Stucky’) to believe that Bucky Barnes is in a relationship with Captain America. However, in the eyes of other fans, it just seems unlikely.

Some Marvel fans on Twitter even went as far as writing things like “why would stucky be real in 2022 grow a spine” and “bucky is straight” and “i hope this isn’t mackenzi lee pulling a pride month publicity stunt, she eats at chick fil a”

Despite what all fans think about Barnes’ relationship status, there is one unexpected thing about the character that has been confirmed.

“It felt like the character lacked depth and context in some areas, so after some talks around the board, it was decided that from now on, Bucky Barnes’ character is of Jewish background.”, confirmed co-writer Juyeon Lee.

It is unknown to fans how this will affect the future of the character storyline, or if it will at all, but we do know one thing! Bucky Barnes is not Jewish sorry melanie

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