A new outbreaks in Indiana has already over 2,000 cases, and although the government has decided an odd name, the people are more concerned over this new virus. This virus has more newer symptoms including hunger,nausea,and vomiting. This new virus has already taken around 400 lives and has been predicted to spread through the United States within a month. The president, Joe Biden has made a statement about this new covid variant “eat some chocolate chocolate chip” not helpful at all and just shows that we are all doomed. Dr Fauci has already started making a new cure but nothing will work so far on this, the best we can do is to stay in bed and quarantine for an extra 2 weeks, making that 4 weeks of quarantine. We have talked to several people in the state of Indiana and most are not happy about this. It is most likely that the state will go under quarantine until its all over.

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