East end is the first target to trade players such as there “big man” looking to create a dynasty with other From different team east end main goal is to acquire a big after Jared and morris decide to not play. They are looking toward riverton superstar Nico the which could be settled by trading Farhan omane and a couple of first rounders hopefully despite farhan state line 0.2 points 0.0 assist and 0.5 rebounds east end has been committing robbery. Nico bring in what the east end is looking for now able to create space off the dribble and being able to dunk just says a lot let’s look at stats 4.6 points 5 assist 15 rebounds looking like his dad Rudy gobert last season. Stats should be a promising player as east end signs a 2 year/ 15 followers. Ruben hunter might look to be traded as he has been signed for 1 year/ 52 followers he didn’t not meet expectations. East end has decided to offer Ruben hunter 1 year/ 3 followers or might look to be traded to rechie for kosta and Jayden. We will update the trades on Instagram or check for another article in a month.