Santa’s Reindeer are actually Elk?

In many story’s people believe that Santa has rein deer pull his sleigh. However this is not true. Santa does not have reindeer pull his sleigh. He actually has Elk pull his sleigh. In all the childrens story’s they say reindeer, to keep the magic of Christmas alive. Because let’s be honest who has actually heard of reindeer. Elk sounds less magical. Irl. I Santa’s helping elf am here to say the famous “reindeer” are actually moody elk. Yes you heard that right the reindeer are in fact elk. Why people believe they are reindeer no one knows in all of the photos taken a animal expert would clearly be able to see that they are elk not reindeer. Elk actually have a redder hue which is clearly visible in all pictures opposed to the brown color of reindeer. There are many other characteristics that differentiate the two. We have spoken to Darren Mcclean the president of Elk for Santa society he said “I am very happy that people are talking about this now. Before the Elk for Santa committee got no recognition. This really needs to be brought up and talked about more.” We spoke to a Kristen a homeowner in Ada Oklahoma that said “ I think we should just keep it reindeer. I can’t imagine explaining that we were wrong all these years. But I’m glad now that I know.” Teachers at Lincoln Elementary in Clearwater Mississippi have decided not to tell the kids they want to keep the magic alive with reindeer. “If we switch the story up kids won’t believe us, let’s just stay with reindeer for now until we know more.” Said one of the teachers. This whole typic has started some controversy. There will be a conference where reporters, scientist and anyone who can add input on the conversation can go and discuss. This conference will be held in New York, New York on July 12th. One of our own reporters will be attending. How would you feel about changing Santa’s reindeer to Santa’s elk?

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