Last year , in the early months of 2021, 24 year old Dennis Lahton (not pictured) was found dead in the city of Baton Rouge louisiana near the State Capitol Building. Footage from the surrounding buildings show that a black bmw containing 4 suspects rolled down the window and released fire upon the victim. Ultimately causing the last fatal blow to Dennis’ chest. BRPD say that they have Identified 2 of the 4 suspects seen at the scene, 19 year old Deondre Jackson, and 21 year old Melvin Pratt. Police say that they have a warrant out for the arrest of 16 year old Kallie May. If you have any information on this individuals whereabouts, please call your local law enforcement or the BRPD sheriffs office. “Any and all information is helpful. This was a brutal crime” says local BRPD officer, Officer Jason Welch.