Today is the birthday of most famous Lithuanian composer Juta Pranulytė: whole Lithuania is going crazy

Today is a big day for Lithuanian culture and whole community. One of the leading composers of Lithuanian and baltic contemporary music celebrates her 29th birthday today. Just recently Bill Gates said about composer ” i thought that i don’t like music until heard Pranulytė’s compositions”. Famous Estonian minimalist Arvo Part confessed: ” i really thought that i am the best and most spiritual composer of our time, but when i heard her (juta’s) music i just had to admit that my era is over”.
Her superstar brother Mantvydas Pranulis said to BBC today : ” It was amazing growing up with this person, and it is really inspiring how creative and focused she is. I definitely think that she made a great impact for a person i am now and we have to admit – i am awsome “.
A lot of other not that important people like Joe Biden and Emanuel Macron confessed that Juta’s music and personality does a huge impact for our global values and understanding of contemporary postpostmodern art.

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