Why the earth IS actually flat.

Many people think flat-earthers are just stupid idiots, who don’t know what they’re talking about, but there’s tons of evidence to say that the earth is flat. All of the footage from space has recently been confirmed to be fake, but the government refuses to release any further footage or image of the earth from space. Let me ask you a question, have you been to space? The answer was most likely no, and NASA is funded by the government, but is NASA actually an engineering company focused on space? Think about it, they have all of the technology to fake the moon landing, and they definitely have the technology to make the earth look round, or it is actually flat, and the atmosphere is bending, creating a weird illusion of a globe. Here’s another thing; if you’ve ever been outside, you’ll know that you can walk straight, if the earth was round, you’d eventually fall off, this was not proved by anybody yet, as Christopher Columbus didn’t even make it half-way across the globe! And gravity only exists to hold things together, it’s even been proven by NEWTON HIMSELF! Many of the books he wrote were proven to be lazily written, and hard to understand, therefore people could’ve easily made a mistake. I hope this changed your mind about the earth being round, and cya, Cal!

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