Stranger Things is a very popular TV hit, created by the Duffer Brothers in 2016. The show started to become popular in season 1, and the following seasons became even more popular making the duffer brothers gain a lot in net worth. Due to the show becoming very appreciated and liked by fans, the Duffer brothers decided to create a Season 4. And have confirmed that it will not be the last one. Leaving us to the following season 5. However, they’re were many new characters added in season 4. Leaving us to the case that the Duffer Brothers haven’t introduced guardians/ parents of the new characters. For example, Eddie Munson and Angela. Unfortunately, due to the crises of Covid 19. There was a huge lack of actors. But luckily the star of tiktok with over 80 Million Followers. Addison Rae Easterling. Auditioned for the show. Addison had originally auditioned for the play of Nancy, however this character was already played by the star Natalie Dyer, and would certainly not be replaced. However the Duffer Brothers took advantage of this opportunity. And both agreed that Addison Rae would certainly be a member of the cast of Stranger Things in Season 5. They want to portray her as Eddie Munson’s sister/relative or as Angela’s mother. And they need your help to choose! Vote at https/strangerthings/