No more Peppy Night: Peppe Iodice killed by the van. Investigations in progress

Italy Under Shock for the death of the great Peppe Iodice, conductor of the Peppy Night Fest kidnapped and killed by 7 women in a pink van. According to the reconstruction, 7 people aboard a van – Elena Scotoni, Eva Giovannini, and 3 people of Roma origin – kidnapped and killed Peppe Iodice last night who was waiting for the police to check the new edition of Peppy Night.

In fact, Peppe was quietly waiting for the police on the street when he saw this pink van with a Russian license plate pass by. Suddenly at least 7 people got out of the cockpit, chasing only passers-by. One of the women asked Peppe if he wants to go out with her, and he said yes only to be kidnapped by a journalist from RaiNews24, namely Elena Scotoni. Some passers-by were also yanked and grabbed by the hair. Given the presence of the police, these women then returned to the van making him kill Peppe with stabbings and then immediately lose their tracks.

It happened in the ASL area of ​​San Cipriano di Aversa and the police feared they would want to leave Peppe tonight but were still in shock from the incident. Everything was reported to the carabinieri who have already started the investigations and a media buzz on social networks has started which has also prompted the mayor to take an interest in the affair. Tomorrow the autopsy on the body of the great Peppe Iodice killed by a pink van.

Since the true news about the white van that kidnaps children is still on the investigations, we’ll talk about the fans in shock for the death of Peppe Iodice.

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