NEW YORK- On Tuesday Mayor Eric Adams approved the new “School Year Extension Bill”. The bill will extend the New York City public school year until August 24, effective 2023. The decision faced backlash, primarily from students and educators. Ada Beach, a ninth grader at Brooklyn Technical High School said, “School is already so stressful. Summer is our only time to destress. Having school in summer will put more stress on us students.” However the bill also brought hope to some with elementary school principal, Ana Rodriguez saying, “I think this will be great for the students. They often forget much of what they learn over the summer, so hopefully this will help them retain the information they learn.”
On Tuesday, Adams gave a speech in which he discussed the bill. In the speech, the mayor reviewed key achievements of the Adams administration from his first 100 days in office and previewed a range of his ambitious plans to promote an equitable recovery, lift up our youth, invest in 21st-century infrastructure, and create a safer and more just city. He also unveiled a balanced, $99.7 billion fiscal year 2023 (FY23) executive budget, which combines upstream investments with fiscally responsible measures, including budget reserves at $6.3 billion — the highest level in city history. He said that the bill will aid in “lifting our youth” and promote a brighter future for many.
On Tuesday, Adams gave a speech in which he discussed the bill. In the speech, the mayor reviewed key achievements of the Adams administration from his first 100 days in office and previewed a range of his ambitious plans to promote an equitable recovery, lift up our youth, invest in 21st-century infrastructure, and create a safer and more just city. He also unveiled a balanced, $99.7 billion fiscal year 2023 (FY23) executive budget, which combines upstream investments with fiscally responsible measures, including budget reserves at $6.3 billion — the highest level in city history. He said that the bill will aid in “lifting our youth” and promote a brighter future for many.