J.K Rowling admits to helping write series “Twlight.” citing it as, a “Fasciation.” of hers.

We recently sat down with author J.K Rowling, author of the critically acclaimed series Harry Potter.
During out interview we asked Mrs.Rowling if she has down any work behind the scenes, maybe a bit of ghost writing or, leaning a creative view on another series. Well, it turns out she has! The author was quoted as saying, “I always loved the history and mythos of vampires, and well..when Stephenie was working on her third book, I decided maybe i’d float her a few ideas.” we asked what sort of ideas she floated, and she responded with. “Well, giving some of the vampires more… magically and interesting abilities, perhaps element bending and conjuring.. that sort of thing.” Well, we were stunned to learn of such a claim! Though, does this mean a possible lore connection between Twilight and the wizarding world of Harry Potter? We leave that up to you to decide.

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