Kayla Russell of granite city caught with drugs and a minpin

Kayla Russell 29 of granite city illiinois caught smoking Crack cocaine in a vehicle Friday night , officers approached the vehicle, Ms.. Russell or should we say aka ( queen Crack rock) that’s what she wanted to be called, was found with a large black dildo in her anus and a black mini Doberman pinchor eating an undisclosed substance from her vagina area . The individual was being held in the madison county detention center, Kayla Russell of Granite City has 3 previous charges of animal abuse and prostitution , and her long history of drug abuse is known through out the community’ she recently found employment that she could have been good at , but slandered another business owners name to try and make her name she is being sued for an u disclosed amout. The other individual in the lawsuit says they don’t expect to ever receive any money in the case . , due to the fact that she’s a drug addict. This is not a scam or joke this is real breaking news for the Granite City Journal in Granite City Illinois.

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