Penguins seen flying over Antarctica

It has been confirmed! Penguins were seen flying in Antarctica earlier this morning. Caught by photographer Chris Yar Beckuman, who shot the dazzling photo of 4 penguins lifting and flying off the icy grounds. Scientists are befuddled of how these furry creatures have lifted off the ground after 500 years of not flying.

Scientists have theorized that after hundreds of years, penguins have regained the skill to fly off of Antarctica grounds. They have calculated that penguins wings have grown longer over the past 200 years, on averge, 1 millimeter ever year. This wing growth has helped penguins regain the ability to fly.

Penguins first started flying in 1487 when they were discovered by yotus gekuty and wetys poutbuys. They were researched for hundreds of years until scientists of the time noticed how the penguins slowly stopped flying. They then complete stopped flying in 1522. Now, in 2022, almost 500 years later, penguins have regained flight ability.

These penguins have been observed flying about 20 feet in the air and gliding hundreds of feet. What will this bring for planet earth? Well, with the average planets temperature rising at an alarming rate, penguins could start to migrate towards Canada and Greenland.

Overall, penguins ability to fly again might change the history of these amazing animals.

Written by- Dave J Roberts

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