Possible soulstorm in 2022

What’s scarier than a soulstorm? Much more! This year, in 2022, we may have our first soulstorm in over 60 years. Lets take a look into it. First of all, what is a soulstorm? A soulstorm is a storm linked with astrological events. For example: Pink moons, solar eclipses, super moons, strawberry moons, etc.. Meteorlogists have recently discovered that theres going to be a partial solar eclipse. Saturday’s partial solar eclipse is the first of two in 2022, the other being on October 25, 2022. That one will be visible from Europe, Asia and Africa and see 82% of the Sun eclipsed by the Moon. The maximum eclipse point will be in Russia. Except, soulstorms unfortunately, are global. If it does occur it will be waved over the entire world, being visible from the USA, South America, Antarctica, even Australia! But don’t fret, this soulstorm will not be the most dangerous that occurs. The 1961 soulstorm that destroyed up to 82 houses/buildings was off a solar eclipse. Due to global warming, soulstorms may occur yearly now. The next solar eclipses in the United States will be the Annular Solar Eclipse on October 14, 2023 and the Total Solar Eclipse on April 8, 2024. There may also be a storm linked to both astrological events as well.

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