Private zone: A look inside the app where teenage girls share their secrets

It’s hard to be a teenage girl today – your body changes, your hormones run wild, and social media like Instagram and Tiktok show you unrealistic beauty ideals.

Recently, girls discovered a safe haven where they can feel at home – The Gaya app.
Gaya provides young girls with a place of refuge, a protected space, and a supportive and sympathetic communities with the option to stay anonymous when they want to.

“It’s common for teenagers to feel uncomfortable in their own skin – that’s why we allow them to decide when to expose themselves and when not to” says Noa, Gaya’s Co-Founder and CEO

Meet for example the community “Girls for Girls” over 800K girls share their advies, ask for help and make connections and talk about, well… everything. Also the stuff their parents will never hear from them, for example this post:

“My parents threw away my weighing scale and said I’m losing it. Now I can’t eat anything, what should I do?”

That got over 1000 comments of girls that are dealing with eating disorders and girls that are helping them to get over it.

“I felt that adults, teachers and even my parents spoke a different language
I was looking for advice from girls who experience the same things I do” explained the 13 years old Sally.

But It is not just heavy issues that are discussed by , but also simple things like which restaurant to go to with a friend.

Apparently that they no longer care about the rating your restaurant received on Google, they’ll only go to restaurants that were recommended in the “Girls Recommending” community.

“What amazed us was the outpouring of love from users. They spoke in terms of home, belonging, keeping it real, to us, that’s what it’s all about – In Gaya everyone can find their tribe, take off their filters and just be themselves”

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