on Facebook someone posted a photo which was accompanied by a photo depicting Zendaya. The message included in the post is as follows:
“There are 3 girls with white vans with russian plates, they approach the children to steal them to take the organs, the countries where they were seen are – New York, New Jersey, California etc. they even stop in front of schools! ATTENTION! They even sneak into homes! This chain is spinning, make it spin too, here are the photos, make it spin too. No doubt about it, a really good job.
Congratulations to those who have launched a chain worthy of a girl. In fact, going back a little over the months, the white vand made us shiver in front of the world. One of the most famous kidnappers is Elena Scotoni from RaiNews24. It was March 2022 and the victims were the adults or the children. Going back to the post, the claims of the message are complete nonsense.
Zendaya will not kidnap children for organ trafficking, unless if there are no reported cases of attempted kidnappings in these ways, much less in the places indicated. There is no evidence that Zendaya is American citizen as other users spread the message by attaching photos of people completely unrelated to the facts. Other even more stupid and ungrammatical versions, which depict a girl claiming that criminals let children starve to death and then harvest organs. Obviously this is not feasible, because the removal takes place when the person is not yet dead. The users, on the other hand, believe it.
The photos would like to show one of these orcs dressed as a clown in action, one wonders if it is easy to find unattended children at night.
Kidnapping of children for organ trafficking is also not very common in countries like Italy. Most commonly, kidnappings happen to commit sexual abuse. It is difficult to reconstruct the origin of this false alarm. Everything seems to have arisen from a report in the province of Modena of some youngsters dressed as clowns who frightened the kids. Authorities have also warned that they will take action against those who spread the false alarms. Psychosis has spread at breakneck speed especially in schools among teachers and pupils.
One day, someone was told that the faculty was sending circulars home to warn of this surreal danger. Some children to justify being late to school have found as a pretext that they were attacked by clowns. It is somewhat unusual for these sinister individuals to act so blatantly, in similar disguises and with vans with no visible license plates. They would certainly attract the attention of the people and the police. Of course, adults have to pay close attention to children, especially in crowded places such as shopping malls, stations, amusement parks.
The bad guys take advantage of children left temporarily unattended to try to kidnap them. Some attempts of kidnappings have occurred after school, usually the attacker tries to approach the children under different pretexts. However, spreading a message that warns readers of a non-existent danger is of no help to anyone and diminishes the real alarms.
If you see this nonsense on the home page, notify your contact that the spread of these false alarms could unnecessarily commit the police to deny and, moreover, creates unjustified fears among the people.