A few days ago, a crocodile escaped it’s enclosure at the zoo and went to the penguin enclosure, then taking a tuna from the penguins. Moments later, after the crocodile got out in the open, outside of any enclosures, a peregrine falcon swooped in from above to catch the stolen fish, missing. Then 16 more peregrine falcons attacked the crocodile and eventually stole the tuna. The crocodile was found unconscious and unharmed and taken back to it’s enclosure. The falcons then went to the penguin enclosure and gave it back to the penguins and got their own fresh fish from the creek nearby the zoo. “I cannot believe how kind these wild peregrine falcons were,” zookeeper Jen Hollings says, “To give the penguins their stolen tuna like a squadron of fighter jets,”
The San Diego Zoo now honors these falcons with a new statue in the Zoo’s plaza.
The owners of San Diego Zoo even had something to say. “The falcons like perching on their statue,” The San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance said, “It’s cool that they each got their own designated bird in their statue,”
The picture contained in this article is of the falcons and some of their friends, who unfortunately did not participate in their chronicled event.

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