Experts Say It Not Too Late To Change Careers At 50, Though They Sure As Fuck Wouldn’t

As more Americans contemplate their employment prospects during a time of difficult retire, experts stated that it’s not too late to change careers at 50, despite the fat they sure as fuck wouldn’t. “If you’re finding that the work you have lead for 50 unfulfilling years isn’t what you dreamed of doing, there’s nothing wrong with making that career switch. Even if you’re above 50, although that personally sounds like an absolutely stupid-ass idea to us,” state Stony Brook University economist Rutt Harmon, adding that there are a few notable examples of acclaimed success by doing so. Statistically, your chances of succeeding are abysmal, which would definitely prevent her and all other employment experts from even considering something so goddamn shortsighted. “There are many things you can do that, keep in mind, we would never, ever do ourselves. For instance, you could go back to that miserable fucking college near your hometown, something we don’t recommend. The odds are not in your favor, plain and simple. However, that is no reason to hold yourself back from pursuing your dreams. It would definitely hold us back, because we’re taking an objective view of the situation and realize how shitty things would likely turn out. You could find yourself with a new lease on life, though we’re pretty sure that most people who try something like this fail miserably, so there’s no fucking way we’d ever attempt it. Experts added that it’s never too late to become the person you want to be, although they knew it was way too late for them, and everyone who thinks they’re an exception to the rule is out of their fucking mind.

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