Greenville resident,Cox-in Ann Al, was on her way to pick up her Papa John’s pizza Monday night, at approximately 11:35 PM. Mr. Coxin Ann Al parked in the vicinity of the dumpster and Papa John’s building. Mrs. Al then proceeds to exit her 2010 Chevrolet Impala, to go retrieve the pizza she ordered. When out of thin air, a 6 foot 5 inched, 240 pound, African American male, with the biggest black sword in all of Darke County sneaks out from behind the dumpster and grabs the now, scared and shriveled,Cox-in like she’s his own property. He the proceeds to pound,poke,stab and destroy poor Mrs.Cox-in Ann Al with his humongous black sword. Greenville PD detained the murder Berry Wood, this morning near Dayton, Ohio. Sadly in Mr. Woods case, having one of the biggest swords wasn’t much of a blessing, it just made Berry’s life and anyone who was within 11 inches in front of him that much harder