Song, ‘Achromatic’\

The song, Achromatic, by Y/n, now has over 15M views. In Y/n’s heart, the song has deep meaning and a let out. It has become another big fan favorite, people relating to the story and loving the base. It hints topics of depression, suicide, and low self esteem. The song represents the terrible existence of falseness, and in Y/n’s perspective. The song’s story and meaning have been revealed:

A person.
they get so confused because everyone, their family, underestimates and humiliates them, but it even seems to be a joke and they seem to be right anyway, along with everyone they know and know, and to introduce a child, in this way.

And life goes on. And the pain and the burden is still there to the point where they lose touch with what is good and right, they lose respect for themselves and how they feel, slipping along with everything and defending it, accepting who they ‘are’ and giving up. . in solving the problem because it is impossible to do anything, your whole. They eventually get the wrong ideals and mindset about the world and their mind and feelings get messed up.
They turn alone, ashamed, away from any friends.

They lose their REAL color and inspirational personality. His life of just living, without joy and purpose and future for nothing. They allow themselves to be destroyed whole, they become suicidal and stressed over and over, deeply and and because they have no one. They cherish times to talk and vent themselves over things when people that make them vulnerable aren’t around.

But they are never understood and only they know everybody’s view on them is either false or not precisely right.
Because, nobody can help them and they aren’t able to find a hand to delve deeper into their feelings, all of how they feel. They feel guilty and depressed. They even start to underestimate themselves over logic. They feel isolated constantly again. “It’s so hard and too hard”.

‘Keep rolling, almost there,” That shows Y/n trying to keep on pushing forward with life’s smacks of problems, going crazy. “It’s like everybody hates me, they don’t, well, what can I do?” Her mind is becoming distorted when she tries to think about something to help herself.

Overall, all the songs have deep connections. Surely, a true favorite.
A song to listen to when you want to vent how stressed you are with things like family issues, depression and the quality and unrealistic expectancy of everything.

This is something that can happen to someone, like Y/n, and that’s very sad. With no way out and no way to solve anything logically, it really is very depressing and something to ponder on.

“To vent how you feel is good. I’ve gotten myself out there, and I’ve finally proven my worth, even to just myself, maybe. I don’t care, my happiness and debates are important too. Now, I’m doing better. I’m great. Thank you,” Y/n’s words over the video.

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