Manchesters newest self made millionaire

As of November 17th, with the introduction of the UK chancellor’s budget, the finances have benefited and have now made young man Ibrahim Hussain the newest and perhaps the youngest self-made multi-millionaire within the manchester region. Ibrahim has what you call a sterotypical rags to riches story. He grew up in Oldham voted englands worst area to live in for many years, where gangs, drugs and violence followed him. In an area like this you the only way you survive and make money is to take part. Even though Ibrahim refused to comment on whether he is part of the gang , in our opinion it is safe to say he had to have been. That being sid Ibrahim was not like the rest, he was someone who was smarter and destined for great things. After starting his first makeip business at 13 and winning the manchester business awards in 2015, he has now gone on to be somewhat of a manchester business moguel. He has multiple businesses now varing in different areas, and he is a well known angel investor in Oldham helping many strartips start and succeed. So despite being another rags to riches story Ibrahim has qualities that foes beyond this and is also stydingn medicine , he is a true inspiration for all the young boys within oldham who were living the same gang life as him.

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