Rosie’s Rules Lost Episode “Rosie’s Suicide”

NOTE: This is based on BeakTheOwl’s creepypasta called Rosie’s Suicide.

Rosie’s Rules is a new TV show that airs on PBS Kids. It is a good show and it had a lot of good storytelling too. However, according to myself, i encountered a lost episode of Rosie’s Rules called Rosie’s Suicide. Because of this, here are some things that even didn’t age too well.

I was shopping on eBay, looking for some DVDs that I’m looking for to watch, and I found something familiar that I never seen before. It was a Rosie’s Rules DVD, and it was from Sweden. It was labeled as “Rosie’s Rules: Rosie’s Suicide DVD (DO NOT BUY IF YOU DARE).” I’ve never seen an episode like this, so I decided ordered it and paid it with my own credit card for 30 dollars, and waited for it to arrive tomorrow. The next day while I was waiting for the package to arrive in the next evening, I decided to make myself some lunch and watch some shows on TV. After that, I went upstairs, and took some naps afterwards. That night, I woke up, and I’ve heard the door bell from downstairs, and my dad gave me the package that I’ve ordered from yesterday.

I went upstairs again, and it was the Rosie’s Rules DVD which had no label in it. Just text that says: Rosie’s Rules S1E0. There was a note on the back that reads: “To whoever is watching this, you’ve been warned. Remember, this episode gives you nightmares! Don’t watch it please! Just destroy it! I’m begging you to do it! Just destroy it!”. That was odd, i thought it was some stupid boy who does tricks to the DVDs. I then inserted the DVD inside my DVD player, and waited for about 10 seconds.

After that, it showed the 2022 PBS Kids logo, but it wasn’t normal. Only the colors are blood red even tho the audio is normal. After that, it then cut to the DVD menu.

The options on the menu includes “Play Episode, Visit PBS Kids, Subtitles, and Extras.” I’ve pressed the play button, and a warning message popped up and it says: “WARNING: This lost episode of Rosie’s Rules was made to promote the upcoming horror movie called Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey. This contains some moderate violence that younger audiences must not view under the age of 13. Viewer discretion is advised.”

“This was made for Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey?” I said to myself clearly. After the message, it faded to black for about 10 seconds. Right after that, the theme song played, but something was all wrong. First, the colors are blood red, second, the music is horror pitched, and third, Rosie’s skin was red instead of her normal skin. I got traumatized by this, but i decided to watch it until the title card appeared.

The title card came, but Rosie had a gun for her hand, her eyes are now replaced with X eyes, the image was all grey, there was blood in the background, and the music that was playing was a scary music box that i don’t know.

Then the episode started.

It then started with a shot of the interrogation room. Then, it cuts to Rosie, sitting on the chair, depressed and anxious.

Rosie began to speak, “Ugh, why do everyone bully me at school? Is this an drama or an argument?”

I was shocked. But i heard Rosie saying Drama in a TV show.

After this, Rosie started to get off the chair, and when she did it, her eyes suddenly have black pupils instead of her own normal eyes, and her skin suddenly turned gray.

Rosie continued to speak: “Just deal a drama instead of an argument…”, but she said it in a G Major tone. Then she grabbed out a gun and broke down the door, as she said: “Listen here, people, if i find someone who bullied me, then I’M KILLING THE PERSON!!!”.

Then, Rosie goes into the school, and it cuts to black for 10 seconds. It then fades to a shot of the school, and Lizzie McGuire was outside.

I got confused. Didn’t Lizzie McGuire appear in Lizzie McGuire, and not in Rosie’s Rules? Despite this, why would she appear in a episode of Rosie’s Rules? Rosie’s Rules belongs to PBS Kids, not Disney, Lizzie McGuire belongs to Disney, not PBS Kids, and plus, Rosie’s Rules didn’t have a crossover episode!

Suddenly, Rosie appeared and yelled at Lizzie: “YOU!!!”

Lizzie then replied: “Ah! You scared me! I’m just trying to listen to music!” Rosie then screamed in a loud tone: “DID YOU FUCKING BULLY ME AT SCHOOL YESTERDAY?!”

I was shocked to see Rosie cussing in a TV show.

Lizzie then replied with “No i didn’t!”

Rosie then pointed the gun at Lizzie and spastically said “LIES!! YOU DID THIS TO ME, NOW IT’S TIME TO DIE!” Then she fatally shot Lizzie in her throat but before i could understand “What’s going on?” Lizzie screamed in a cartoony way, not in a realistic way. Ultra realistic blood sprayed across the school, and Rosie was covered with Lizzie’s blood.

I screamed in pain but luckily i paused the DVD, went to the bathroom and then threw up. After i threw up, it got out of the bathroom, and went back into the living room, and continued to watch the episode.

The episode continued with Rosie in the school, and everyone screamed in horror as they saw Lizzie’s dead body.

Suddenly, Iggy came out of nowhere and said: “Oh my god what just happened?”

Then the school teacher angrily said to Rosie “Rosie killed Lizzie! She is in super big trouble!”

After that, the school teacher has no choice but to suspend her for 15 days, as Rosie cried in a realistic way. However, Rosie wasn’t crying in tears, she was crying blood.

This lasted for 3 second before cutting to Rosie’s House.

Papa was furious at Rosie of what she has done.


Rosie then started crying again as she went on to the room.

Suddenly, it cuts to a time card reading: “12:00 AM…” then it showed Rosie, but she had the same skin from before and her eyes suddenly became blood red.

As what i watched, Rosie grabbed out the same gun from before, but the gun now was red, and she started to speak: “I can’t live without this. I guess it’s my turn…”

Then she pointed at her head, pulled the trigger and shot herself with it. Blood and brains sprayed all over everywhere.

I freaked out even more as i saw Rosie’s suicide.

It then showed Papa hearing the noise, then suddenly opened the door, but guess what? It was too late, Rosie has killed herself, and now she has blood in her head.

Papa: “Rosie? Rosie? No! Noooooooooooooooo!” Then he started to cry, but his crying sounded realistic.

Then, it faded to black for 15 seconds, and it showed gravestones of Rosie and Gatita, and Crystal, Iggy, Papa, Mom, Abuela, Tia, Javi, Jun and Quinn are all present there. They cried as their crying sounded realistic.

Iggy: “You we’re like a best friend to me!”
Abuela: “Is there everything we loved! Rosie now committed suicide last night! I’m so sorry!”
Papa: “Yes, i can’t live without Rosie.”
Mom: “Me too.”
Crystal: “Me three.”

Then, they continued crying, but their cries started to get more realistic and realistic. As the scene lasted for like 25 seconds, the last scene shows Rosie’s House, but the FBI officer was present here, and there was a sticky note written on the door in it.

It reads: “House seized due to a incident occurred to Rosie’s suicide last night. To the people who reads this note, Please do not enter this house.


Then, the FBI officer begins to speak: “Uhh, is this something i ever loved about Rosie? Well i don’t. Now we can move on and we will deal with this incident instead of a drama or an argument.” Then, he walks away from the house, then got into his car, and drove back to the FBI, as the screen cuts to black.

I was traumatized and scared at the same time, and tried to eject the disc, but none.

The credits displayed, but Rosie and Gatita’s faces are censored, the music was demonic, and there was bloody text in the background, and the logos at the end were demonic. Then, The episode ended for real, and it took me back to the main menu.

I was super shocked about this episode, despite Lizzie McGuire being in this episode, even tho PBS Kids never owns Disney, and Lizzie McGuire belongs to Disney, not PBS Kids.

So, I had to write an email to PBS Kids about this lost episode. A few hours later, I’ve got a reply from PBS Kids, and they said that someone illegally made this episode and being charged with “unauthorized purposes and copyright infringement”, and that this episode was only made for mature audiences only, I decided to hide the DVD somewhere so I won’t play it again for a long period of time. If you try to order something online, please do not watch any never-before seen episodes of any TV show you like because you’ll even never know what happens next.

Also, we have The screenshot of Rosie with her gray skin and black pupils, and 2 versions of the credits, only the title card video got blocked by 9StoryIreland due to copyright.

The screenshot of Rosie with her gray skin and black eyes (by BeakTheOwl):

The credits with the censored faces of Rosie and Gatita:

A version of the credits without the censored faces of Rosie and Gatita:

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