Today marks yet another death of a group of Rocket Men. The poor men have been stripped away from his family, the public is furiously asking the question of how many more Rocket Men will die. This was reportedly his last mission to space and it had ended with a tragic crash into the core of the sun. More information will be released as time moves forward. But, how will the government keep conducting this type of space exploration?
The Rocket Man’s widow had a little to say but was too heartbroken to speak.
She told reporters that “my husband’s death is a tragedy but I was prepared for it. He just couldn’t let go of space, not even for his own family.”
It has also been reported that the widow is only seen at night due to the terrible remembrance of her husband’s death.
The president had a different story to tell reporters. he proclaims that it is a “necessary god-given right” to explore space and it must move forward. Will he be impeached for his actions? Will he have a decrease in approval rating? More coverage of the situation will be posted within the next up and coming weeks.
Until next time, this is Channel 33 News, Goodnight.