WARNING: IDC if this is real, but i’m gonna leave it be. Enjoy if you dare. Also, IDC stands for I Don’t Care.
I told you all about the lost episode of Horseland called Housesitting. Well, there is another deleted episode. This is going to be scarier than it is before.
In the afternoon, I was at Vodafone to get a Vodafone SIM card, a Nokia 6630 for my dad and a Motorola V1050 for me. After shopping at Vodafone, I went home from Vodafone.
Suddenly, my mom came in and she said she found a never-before-seen the DVD of Horseland. I took a good look at the DVD.
The DVD was all about one lost episode of Horseland.
The cover consisted of Lord X from Sonic.EXE: One More Time staring at Sarah Whitney’s soul, with Sarah Whitney looking scared and afraid.
It was labelled as “Horseland – Lord X”.
The DVD was released on October 26, 2009. I was quite surprised for my mom finding a rare find. Then, my mom went to go see her friend to visit.
While I’m home alone, I put the disc in my DVD player.
The DVD opened with the Cookie Jar logo, then it showed the commercial of “Sonic Advance 3”, which was weird because a commercial would play on a DVD afterwards.
Then the commercial ended then it cut straight to the DVD menu.
However, there was only Lord X staring at the screen, the only one menu button and that is “Play the Episode “Lord X” (October 31, 2007)” and the background music is the Sonic CD USA Game Over audio but reversed.
I was only anxious that there was only one menu button on this DVD. I pressed play, and at the very beginning, there was a warning.
“Warning: This lost, deleted episode from Horseland contains content that hasn’t been associated with SEGA at all and it is not suitable for younger viewers as it contains graphic violence, strong language, gruesome scenes, and more. After that horrible experience, we dropped it out, and replaced it with a better episode for children and the audience. Watch at your own risk.”
I facepalmed in annoyance. “Here comes the scary part!” I said in painlessly.
Then the intro started, but the music was playing slowed down and i could hear Lord X laughing but it’s with a demonic filter.
It showed a title card for the episode, despite being in a bloody font, the episode title was Lord X.
The episode started with Sarah Whitney alone and depressed at a crackhouse, which the crackhouse ACTUALLY looked like the crackhouse from the lost episode of Little Einsteins called Welcome to the Crackhouse.
Sarah Whitney: “You know what? I’m now homeless, alone and depressed! My parents kicked me out of my house, i did not eat any food for 5 days, i now live in a crackhouse, and even worse, i’m gonna die if someone doesn’t want to help me.”
Suddenly, Sarah Whitney then got up and said: “I know what to do. Big Jet was the one who took me to the crackhouse by mistake! Do i want to see what the crackhouse looks like? No! I must escape from this madness!”
I was quite shocked to see Sarah Whitney mentioning Big Jet from Little Einsteins, despite that Big Jet and her are still enemies.
Then, Sarah Whitney jumped out of the crackhouse, and fell on the ground.
Sarah Whitney got up, trying to escape from the crackhouse. All of a sudden, Mephiles from Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 appeared and said: “Looking for Big Jet? Too bad! Cause he’s with me.”
Sarah Whitney got scared and replied to Mephiles with “Wait?! Who are you? What are you doing?”
Mephiles got up to Sarah Whitney and said: “It’s me, your boy, Mephiles. Remember me?”
Sarah Whitney, still scared, replied with “Ooooh! I didn’t see you in a long time!”
Mephiles: “Yep, didn’t see ya too!”
Sarah Whitney: “Listen, i need to talk. I’m now homeless, alone and depressed! All because my parents kicked me out of my house, i did not eat any food for 5 days, i now live in a crackhouse, and even worse, i’m gonna die if someone doesn’t want to help me!”
Mephiles: “Well, that’s a sad story…”
But then, there was trouble.
The trouble of hearing the engine revving reveals that Little Einsteins’ archenemy is sneaking at the crackhouse and is preparing his revenge on Sarah Whitney and Mephiles.
Sarah Whitney: “That sounds a lot like that mean blue airplane, Big Jet…”
Mephiles: “Haha! You’re guessing, i was hired by Big Jet to eliminate you and the horses! Am i right?”
Sarah Whitney: “No i’m not! Besides, you’re the one who wants me dead as a rock!”
Mephiles: “Ooooh i didn’t want you to say that.”
Sarah Whitney: “There he is…”
Suddenly, Big Jet dropped on the ground and was revealed that Knuckles was the one who controlled him.
Knuckles: “Hola, i mean, Hello there.”
Sarah Whitney: “Knuckles! Aww, long time, no see.”
Knuckled said to Sarah Whitney in a voice that sounded more like Scott Dreier: “But to get out of this crackhouse, we’re going to need your help.”
Mephiles: *chuckles* Ugh, what help?
Knuckles: “Hmm… Maybe we should escape from there.”
Sarah Whitney and Mephiles got excited and both said: “Wait really? Yay! Thanks Knuckles for letting us know!”
Knuckles then replied to them with “All you need is to jump onto my controlled big jet!”
All of a sudden, they heard Lord X laughing from the distance.
Knuckles: “I hear Lord X.”
Sarah Whitney: “Ugh, He must be inside the secret base!”
Mephiles: “Really?”
Both Sarah Whitney and Knuckles then replied to Mephiles with “Yes it is! But too bad Me and Knuckles are going to the secret base to see what Lord X is hiding. Mephiles, you stay there, while me and Knuckles will be on the big jet.”
Then Sarah Whitney and Knuckles jumped out of the Big Jet and blasted off from the crackhouse to go to the secret base where Lord X is.
Mephiles suddenly got angry and said: “Damn, i lost them. When they come back, they’ll regret this…”
Then, the camera zooms out as Mephiles walks away from the crackhouse.
It then switched to another scene. This time, it showed Sarah Whitney and Knuckles on the big jet.
The camera then zoomed in to see Sarah Whitney driving the big jet. However, Sarah Whitney can still hear Lord X laughing from nowhere, as she said: “Uh oh. Lord X must be in the secret base! But before that, i would land in there so i can see if there is nothing happening in the secret base.”
Then, the Big Jet landed onto the Secret Base, as Sarah Whitney jumped out of the big jet and entered onto the secret base.
Sarah Whitney, still scared, slowly walks in to see if nothing is going to happen in the secret base. She walked for 2 minutes until she approached Lord X.
Sarah Whitney got up to Lord X, but before Lord X could kill her, She confronted Lord X, who is ready to kill Sarah Whitney.
Lord X was staring at Sarah Whitney’s soul, when Sarah Whitney now looked scared and afraid, slowly approaching at her.
Lord X: “Found you!”
Sarah Whitney: “No! Get away from me!”
Suddenly, before Sarah Whitney could escape from the secret base, Lord X grabbed her by the neck and said in a demon like voice: “Just give up all at once…” but then Sarah Whitney proceeds to punch Lord X in the stomach, causing him to scream in pain.
Sarah Whitney: “You will never kill me! Besides, you are more weaker than Big Jet.”
Lord X: “You think you could kill me when i go back onto existence? Too bad!”
Before Lord X could kill Sarah Whitney, Knuckles finally arrived to stop Lord X from trying to kill Sarah Whitney, but infact, he failed.
Instead, Knuckles was eaten up by Lord X, and proceeding to kill him, blood splattered in a no matter of seconds.
Sarah Whitney got scared and shocked, as she watched Knuckles’ horrible fate.
Sarah Whitney then started crying, but her cryings now sounded realistic.
Lord X got up to Sarah Whitney and said: “So many souls to play with, and so you will. Are you listening?”
Sarah Whitney: “No! Get away from me!”
Lord X then grabbed out a AK-47 and pointed it at her, as he said: “I’m disappointed in you, Sarah. I thought you would be friends. Oh well, at least we finally had our last moments together!”
Sarah Whitney then said in a demon like voice “SEE YOU IN HELL.”
Then she pulled out a gun and shot Lord X in the gut but seemingly still alive he said “What’s wrong with you?” Before he was shot and killed, thus when he died realistic blood and organs splattered everywhere on the camera.
Then she said “Haha! my victim is as dead as a rock! Besides, I never liked Lord X in the first place.”
After that, Sarah Whitney proceeds to escape from the secret base, and got up onto the Big Jet.
Sarah Whitney: “Big Jet, take us to the crackhouse, please.”
Then Big Jet automatically blasted off from the secret base to go back in the crackhouse. It then faded to another scene, but this time, it was Mephiles alone at the crackhouse.
Suddenly, he heard Sarah Whitney laughing from the distance, and went outside to check. However, Sarah Whitney came out of nowhere and said: “I’m back Mephiles!”
Mephiles: “Wait, how did you come back to me?”
Sarah Whitney: “By escaping from the secret base after killing Lord X when he killed Knuckles!”
Mephiles: “Oh my god! How could you do that?!”
Sarah Whitney then whispered in Mephiles’ ear and then said “YOU’RE GOING TO WHERE LORD X IS GOING TO. HELL!”
Mephiles: “What!”
Just then, Sarah Whitney took out a chainsaw and lunged at Mephiles’ but Mephiles’ death was cut out and replaced with a black screen though you could hear his screaming as he died and he was killed by a chainsaw.
Sarah Whitney then said “Hahahaha! Oh, Mephiles you always annoyed me, have fun in hell.”
After that, it cut to a scene where Sarah Whitney was crying in a very realistic way and said “Why? Why did I kill Mephiles, he gave me a purpose in life, he made me what I am today. But without him now i have no purpose. I should just go and never return.”
She then went to the deck of a river, it was foggy and she pulled out a gun whispering to herself “I don’t want to die but everyone is gone I have no point now.”
Then she put the gun in her mouth and shot herself.
Sarah Whitney’s lifeless body fell into the river and drifted down the river which turned blood red.
Then the credits rolled but for some reason Lord X was staring at the screen and Mephiles’ whisper from Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 was playing in the background. Afterwards the episode ended and it took me back to the DVD loading screen.
I kept the DVD in my shed and still keep it in there today so mcy two children don’t see it. But anyway, I burnt the video onto my computer and emailed Cookie Jar Entertainment, saying how inhumane to make an animation like that out of a children’s cartoon. I also attached the video to the email.
They actually told me that they made it in 2007 because they were having secret plans to make it into an adult party cartoon, like Ren and Stimpy’s fate was, but it got canceled due to negative response from test viewers.
That made me ban this episode from everywhere.
So, now you know. I did not ban Horseland in my house, but only because of Lord X.