One of the worlds most well known performer/singer Taylor Swift recently released a video on social media stating that she is very much pregnant. Fans had mixed reactions to this news as some were delighted that their role model was going to have a child and others wanting her to abort it as it will get in the way of her music career. Taylor has said that she will keep the baby as she has been wanting one for quite a while now. The only issue is the father has wanted to remain unknown which has caused a lot of stalkers to find out who exactly the man is. Taylor then said this to the stalkers “…but yeah like you can try to found out the baby daddy but i respect the fact he doesn’t want everyone knowing yet so please keep out until he is ready my swifters and it…” This resulted in more negative responses as the father wants to remain hidden so if he ran away no one would know who he was. That’s all from us. Goodinght.