Man Bitten By Pony Turned into WereHorse

H. V., a family man from Croatian mediterranean town of Viskovo visited a camp on the island of Krk on Sunday on April 1st. The family visited camp petting zoo where a man was holding a baby next to a fenced of group of ponies. Oblivious to the hungry jawls of the small Equidaestrine, as he was dangling his baby daughter on this warm sunny afternoon, he got bitten onto his arm, just above the elbow. This man’s troubles have not ended there. He was found naked in the local food store “Lidl” on the vegetable section, curled up in a large wooden crate, where the cabbage was being deposited for the buyers. The man is now in a PGŽ police station. He’s being held there until the authorites decide how to proceed with this peculiar case.

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