The Grave Case of Miles Basmajian: A Window into a Darker Future for the New Generation

The news of the dramatic and widespread deaths of four juveniles is a shockwave that swept through the public. The first to die was a boy named Miles Basmajian, a known arsonist and murderer. Just two weeks ago, Basmajian set the White House on fire, recreating a famous scene from history. To the desolation and dismay of the public, everyone inside the White House died in the flames, including Basmajian himself.

What’s even more disturbing is what happened next. A few days after his death, word reached fellow juvenile murderer Charlotte Hung. She escaped from rehab and murdered several people with a steak knife. She was also found dead at the scene of the murder, the knife through her heart.

Only a week after Charlotte’s death, two other criminals made a return to the public, Danica and Evelyn, both who dueled to the death in Chicago, in a ring of fire that spread after their double sucked and murder.

These cases seem to be connected by the young criminals involved. All close in age, these children once went to the same school, Yew Chung International School. They have all participated in similar activities outside of school and developed a bond of friendship. Their deaths were both so close to each other’s and so dramatic that it could not be a coincidence. However, as two of the four have moved countries away, how could they have planned it?

New studies made on their bodies by medical professionals deem that their violent tendencies and tragic yet coldly engineered deaths were the cause of a new gene found in 89% of our new generation. This gene, dubbed the Suicide Gene by doctors, causes spontaneous violence in children, resulting almost always in suicide or murder.

Which brings us to another question. If 89% of our new generation, the humans that will populate earth next, have this gene, is the human race doomed to a melodramatic death?

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