Dhyana Rakholiya, a diva

Dhyana Rakholiya who is 5 years
old was washed away by Ba’s poop
when she tried to sneaky eat her hu-
man waste in the toilet. When the
flooding occured, she was happy as
she could smell all the poop and pee
but later realized that it grew big-
ger and bigger. She thought that if
she ate it all, it would stop.. but it
didn’t. She was later rescued by Ba
and was scolded for trying to snatch
the poop from her butt. She also was
trying to do her homework 4 hours
later but her stomach started to rum-
ble. She spewed out poop after poop,
which was watery and smelly. She
liked it and feld a lot of pleasure so
she started enjoying it. She felt a
good sensation and ever since then,
she started her diarrhea and ate taco
bell every night. Later, she was found
dead which was not surprising. What
was surprising is that everyone was
relieved she was gone. They all hated
her lies and wanted to kill her. They
all had a big huge party after her
happy death.

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