The Torture and Murder of Joeline Whingshaque

Last Wednesday, The head of an 18 year old girl was found hanging from a rope on a tree to the home of several locals. A 7 year old boy had found this head before his parents eventually realised what it was. The police immediately started an investigation and found the head belonged to Joeline. Her parents were devastated when they heard the news but their main question was, who did it? Well, the police are still interviewing a lot of people who could have been involved or taken part in this wicked and vile activity but the only information we have currently is hiw she died. Warning to the faint of heart people, this won’t be nice. The murderer(s) had beaten this poor girl several times with scissors and metal spikes until her body was in shredded and her head was wiped clean off. Medical professionals predict that Joeline was alive through the majority of this. If you know anything about this tragic murder please contact your local police station or call emergency services. Thank You!!

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