On Friday night at Dutch Hollow, many members of the public course are at their wits end. “Our course used to be a place you could have a good time, take your kids, or just have dinner. Those days are over”. It is unclear how or why the culture has changed but the small town Johnson family has had enough. Most of the uproar can be tied to this man…whose name we cannot find. He refers to himself as Scotty Fairways. This man can be seen buying a senior coffee at the local McDonald’s (one of three locations in Shiawassee county who honors such a ridiculous discount) before he heads to the course. Members of the public can hear the man yelling “fucking fat” or “stack and tilt BABBYY” from across the course. It is this sort of behavior that the Johnson family is looking to tame. Any information on the whereabouts of Scotty Fairways is offered a fish fry dinner reward that can be redeemed Friday nights at Dutch Hollow from 5-9.