Robber or Creep in disguise!

By, Haden Miles
Former student, Brianna Smith, New Providence Middle shcool has been seen digging in other children and teachers bags and taking their belongings.There has also been reports of her allegedly flirting or attempting to make relations with teachers or staff members . We spoke to the principal at New Providence and he said “Brianna is a very seductive person and if you don’t fall for her tricks she will keep trying until you do.She also has stolen a total of 260 dollars from my joined office with the other principals.” .We also have spoken to some of her classmates who have claimed to see her acting very inappropriate to the make audience at the shcool.She also has threatened the lunch staff to give her the money out of their cash register or she will”shoot everyone up.” So she is under private investigation and is being watched at all times to monitor anything she does and to keep others safe.If you spot this trouble maker in your area and you feel unsafe call 911 immediately. We have provided pictures from her classmates of what the suspect looks like.

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