⚠️ Warning ⚠️
Sirenhead has made his way to Fresno California and will arive tonight to strike to find humans but food mostly. If you hear sirens from under your bed do not panic.. that represents that he has found your home but that you need to remain calm and do not try and look for him if he sees you he will kill you in a heartbeat. Sirenhead is just crawling in your floors to find food but humans as well most likely he escaped our lab and we sent scientists out to search, if you have food… we best recommend that you feed him, the only way you can alert Sirenhead to come out from your floor is to go into the kitchen and give him a snack!! He only eats alive golden retrievers and drinks tap water. You have 5 minutes to be in that kitchen and to get him what he wants, leave it on the kitchen counter and hope for the best that he will notice the smell of rusty tap water and will be on his way out of your floors. Once you go back to hide make sure you shut the door very quietly so he wont hear a sound… he has sensitive siren ears so anything sound fragile will hurt and it will make him furious!
We recommend that you watch Life of Luxery on youtube to see Sirenheads other friends and how theyre behaviour is if they enter your house without you knowing, Sirenhead will not harm you if he doesnt see you. Warning 2, if you have a pool… be very careful that it is cleaned or Sirenhead will take a swim and drink all of the water if he decides to… If you cannot manage to give him tap water or a golden retriever, he will never leave your floors and the sirens will unfortunately never let you sleep. Please listen to these rules and help Sirenhead find his way back to our laboratory. Thank you Fresno. Goodbye.