15year old killed in motorbike accident!

“And If I die in a motorbike one day, remember I still love you the same….”
That’s what young singer and actor Anastasia sand in the concert she made in Vería one week ago. Who knew that today we ‘d have to announce her death!
Today around 4 pm we got the news that Panagi was entered in Ippocrates Hospital with severe injuries due to her motorbike crashing with a tourist bus in the National Athens road, as the 15year old girl was going home from school. The helmet she wore was not enough to save her and Anastasia Panagi took her last breath in Ippocrates Hospital Emergency.
We all loved the charming and funny Anastasia and we are all sad to know she won’t be with us anymore.
We send our biggest condolences to her family, relatives and friends
Rest in Peace, Anastasia!

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